Yesterday, there was an issue with a Mission Event that caused some players to experience a crash which locked them out of the game. This issue is now corrected and all player’s gameplay experiences should have returned to normal. As we realize this was not an ideal experience, we will be sending all players the following items:
-2x Survival Road Energy Refills
-1x Kendama
-3x Brady
-30,000 Survival Road Markers
You can expect to receive these in your inbox within the next few hours! Please note the inbox message containing these items will expire on Monday 3/9/20 at 4PM PDT.
We also have seen your feedback on how this was communicated. A lot of our Dev team is currently on discord, and since it was an issue that was quickly resolved in real-time, Discord seemed the proper channel to communicate on.
Given your suggestions, we will make efforts to inform our players on the forum and on the blog in future similar situations.
We hope this information will help provide some clarity on the situation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.