FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: 2x Chances for brand-new featured S-Class Recruits
For a limited time, we’re making two exciting updates to the S-Class Recruits wheel:
- 2x Chances for Brand-New Featured S-Class Fighters – Your chances of acquiring the brand-new featured S-Class fighter from the S-Class Recruits wheel will be doubled, giving you a greater chance of claiming it with each pull.
- Note: 2x chances will only apply for brand-new S-Class Recruits. If these featured fighters return in the future to S-Class Recruits, they will appear at normal chances.
- This update to brand-new featured S-Class Recruits will be live with the launch of brand-new S-Class Rosita at 5PM PT on Thursday, March 19.
- New bonus open reward on Returning Featured S-Class Fighters: Featured S-Class Collectibles – In response to your feedback, and in order to help you top off your collections and claim that S-Class you’ve been working towards, every 20 opens on returning featured S-Class Recruits fighters will now reward a bonus of 200 S-Class collectibles of that returning featured S-Class fighter (limit 6).
- Note: This new bonus open reward will replace the existing 100 open bonus reward (5-Star Ascendable) on returning featured S-Class Recruits only. Returning S-Class fighters are those fighters which have previously appeared as featured in S-Class Recruits.
- Note: Brand-new fighters, for example S-Class Rosita, who appear in S-Class Recruits for the first time, will continue to reward the 5-Star Ascendable version of the fighter as the 100 open bonus reward.
- This update to returning featured S-Class Recruits will be live on Sunday, March 22.