Character Breakdonwn

Trait: FastHealth7741*
Role: SupportDefense 3542
S- ClassAttack3220
*Stat already includes leader bonus
Rush: Disarming tactics
Cost: 66 AP
Effect : All enemies get Disarm for 1 turn and -60% Attack for 2 turns. All teammates recover from Impair and get +25% Bonus HP.
Active Skill: Recover Confuse and Defense up
Initial Cooldown: Turn 3
CD: 2
Effect: Up to 3 teammates recover from Confuse and get +50% Defense for 2 turns.
Leader Skill:
All Alert and Fast teammates get +50% HP.  All enemies get Confuse for 1 turn.

Weapon Stats

Gameplay Walkthrough

Confuse Lead

  • Confusing the entire enemy team at the start of the game is very similar to Mercer. It also has the added bonus of Burst Offense teams retaliating against themselves causing major damage before the game even starts

75% Stun and Confuse Resist Weapon

  • Jacki is very resilient against stun and confuse. This will free up mod slots for you to make Jacki very hard to control.

Example Team Composition

Here are a few example Jacki teams to get your creativity flowing:

How to Collect

  • Jacki’s collectibles are Jacki Cards, available now in S-Class Recruits! 2,000 Jacki Cards will be required for 5* Ascendable Jacki.
  • 5* Ascendable Jacki is guaranteed after 100 bonus opens on the wheel!
  • 6000 Jacki Cards and 2 maxed out 6* Jackis are required for S-Class Jacki!

S-Class Jacki can now be obtained as a drop from the S-Class Recruits Wheel! NOW WITH DOUBLE THE ODDS!