A new Premier Mythics Wheel is coming today, featuring Gold Mythic Raso.
Raso is a master of defense and will bleed out anyone who tries to stand toe to toe with him. If the bleed doesn’t make quick work of your offense, his control will slow you down until it does!
The wheel will also include chances to obtain other Gold and Silver Mythic Fighters along with up to 2 guaranteed Gold Mythic Raso as bonus open rewards!
Available Dates:
Start: 5/6/21 5:00 PM PT
End: 5/20/21 5:00 PM PT
Available Fighters:
- Featured: Gold Mythic Raso
- Gold Mythic Gator
- Gold Mythic Rosita
- Gold Mythic Tyreese
- Gold Mythic Hershel
- Gold Mythic Wayland
- Gold Mythic Frost
Bonus Open Rewards:
Receive guaranteed Gold Mythic Raso after meeting the following requirements:
- 170 Opens: 1x Gold Mythic Raso
- 340 Opens: 1x Gold Mythic Raso