Hello Survivors,
The October refresh is here! We’re excited to share the following changes coming to the TWD Gold Medal collections, Bits Shop and various wheels by 10/22/2021:
Wheels Updates
- Gold Mythic Token Wheel
- Added:
- Gold Mythic Konrad
- Added:
- Mythic Recruit Tokens
- Added:
- Gold Mythic Kal
- Added:
Gold Medal Collections
- Added:
- Gold Mythic Ash
- Gold Mythic Harper
Bits Shop Update
- Added:
- Gold Mythic Skins
- Removed
- Gold Mythic Abraham
- Sales Changes
- On sale 10/22
- Gold Mythic Mirabelle
- Gold Mythic Tyreese
- Sales ending 10/22
- Gold Mythic Michonne
- Gold Mythic Garrett
- On sale 10/22