Update 34.0 – Daily Streak and Insta-Claim NOW LIVE

Head to your app store now to download the latest update to be ready for Free Daily Rewards, Insta-claim, and more!

Daily Free Rewards + Insta-Claim

Once you log in with our latest update, you may notice the new Daily Rewards button! 

At player level 6, Daily Free Rewards will unlock, giving Gold Mythic Tokens and TWD Gold Medals, along with a number of Materials and Military Supplies each day! These can be instantly claimed from the Daily Free Rewards screen that will also track your daily claim streak! If you have maintained a streak for 7 days in a row, you will not only receive those rewards but on day 7 and for every day after while your streak is maintained, your Daily Free Rewards will be multiplied at least 2x, with a chance of 3x or even 4x!

At player level 24, logging in daily no longer requires a player to perform some daily mission tasks to receive the rewards! The more you level, the more missions will complete (pictured above). Once a player is level 60, they will be able to complete enough of the daily missions instantly to claim the daily mission completion reward bag. After claiming Daily Free Rewards for 7 days, players get a multiplier with the Daily Free Rewards!

Please note: Some of the rewards have been restructured or updated, and we’ve moved Gold Mythic Tokens from the daily mission completion reward bag to the daily free rewards. This way all players can get the reward multiplier applied after earning a 7-day streak! 

UI Changes

With this update, we’ve also made a few changes in order to streamline the player experience via the menu system. We noted a couple of different ways to access the same areas and also wanted to clean up some of what was covering the town. 

  • DAILY REWARDS icon is newly added right above the MISSION icon.
  • NEWS and INBOX icons are moved from their original locations on the HUD to inside the collapsible MENU icon.
  • The SUPPLY DEPOT icon inside the MENU icon is removed.
  • The item counter badge for the inventory button has been removed!



Check out the video below to see how this and the rest of the update will work, or try out Daily Free Rewards and Insta-Claim with our Public Beta coming later this week! 

Bug Fixes

The new update will also include a series of bug fixes which includes (but isn’t limited to) the following:


  • Fixed and issue where games reloads while ascending any Gold Mythic characters from Grade 2 to Grade 3. 
  • Fixed an issue when after completing stage 3 of Challenge Run Expansion, the player receives an error pop up and later the game reloads. 
  • Fixed an issue where leaderboard does not display the correct count of participants after tapping on leader board button on trait road screen. 
  • Fixed an issue with “world energy” is getting displayed on “Not enough energy” tooltip for challenge run expansion screen. 
  • Fixed an issue where the amount for food and materials are showing different and after playing the combat, the amount of resources received in rewards are different. 
  • Fixed an issue where characters used in defense teams not showing timer to recover from exhaustion.
  • Fixed an issue linking Scopely ID on certain devices causing black screen that required a force quit to solve.
  • Fixed an issue with Team Ratings 0’d out when transferring. 

Combat Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Beheading and Execution weren’t both bypassing Bodyguard when being able to execute the target.
  • Fixed a callout issue that could happen when a Waste Not specialist kills a Payback specialist.
  • Fixed an issue where a Confounding specialist’s icon is in an active state when all enemies are already confused.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bleed from Governor’s AR would still be applied to a target that has a Guardian Shield.
  • Fixed an issue where the Confuse from John’s AR would still be applied to a target that has a Guardian Shield.
  • Fixed an issue where if a Maiming shot attack that would cause Bodyguard to trigger gets resisted, the Bodyguard specialist still takes damage.
  • Adjusted Execution and Beheading to not cap damage to an enemy when executing an enemy such that this happening will also proc Payback.
  • Adjusted Tenacity to trigger at >= 20% HP and it will now trigger if an Execution effect would kill the specialist.