Hey there, fellow survivors!

Hope you all caught your breath after the intense War of Champions (WoC). The clash of the top 100 factions was a sight to behold, wasn’t it? But don’t get too comfortable just yet – Alexandria has a new challenge in store for you!

Get ready for the Post-WoC Chaos, a series of battles designed to test your strength, resilience, and determination. Here’s the lowdown:

The Trials:

1 Blitz War – 7/13/24 11AM PT

1 Onslaught – TBC


The Rewards:

Victory in each battle earns you Ammo Boxes. The more you win, the higher the Ammo Box drops!

The top 30 survivors with the most Ammo Boxes will receive copies of a brand-new fighter depending on their rank. Here’s the breakdown:

  • The top 10 survivors: 5 copies
  • Ranks 11-20: 3 copies
  • Ranks 21-30: 1 copy


Keep an eye on our Discord for the final leaderboard, which will be revealed after the CRW.