Hello Survivors,

Feeling up to a challenge? We certainly hope so! An all-new Roadmap Event, “Rebirth”, is coming later today! Let’s dive into the details:

Event Times

Start: 1/25/21 – 12:00 PM PST
End: 2/8/21 – 12:00 PM PST


In “Rebirth”, you will take on a Roadmap consisting of stages with three enemy fighters each. These opponents will be very powerful. These fighters will have boosted stats such as HP, Attack and Defense multipliers, so be ready! In addition, your team cost will be limited to 78. This means that you’ll be able to bring a maximum of three 6-Star fighters (plus an ally) into combat. We would highly recommend that you use your S-Class fighters for this Roadmap (unless you feel like losing of course 😉).

Upon completion of the Rebirth Roadmap, you will obtain Hilltop Badges, which can be exchanged for awesome rewards (specifics below)!

In addition to the Roadmap, you will also be rewarded for logging in every day throughout the event with great rewards including Hilltop Badges, Blowtorches and Trainers via the Rebirth Event Missions.

Roadmap Specifics

Roadmap Quantity: 1

Grindable Rewards: No

Energy Type: World Energy

Stage Rewards

Stage RewardQty
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8
Basil Trainers8

Roadmap Completion Rewards

Completion Reward 1QtyCompletion Reward 2Qty
Benedict Trainers5Hilltop Badge150

Event Rewards

Once you’ve completed the Rebirth Roadmap, you can exchange your Hilltop Badges in the Museum to obtain a Hilltop crate. This crate has chances at Carol’s Deadly Assault Rifle (great for wackin’ your enemies) and up to 500 Brady Trainers!

Event Mission Specifics

MissionReward 1Qty 1 Reward 2Qty 2
Login 1 DayBurt Trainer4
Login 2 DaysBurt Trainer4
Login 3 DaysBurt Trainer4World Energy Refill2
Login 5 DaysBrady Trainer5Blowtorch2
Login 8 DaysBrady Trainer5Blowtorch2
Login 10 DaysBrady Trainer25Hilltop Badge150