Hi Survivors,
We’re looking for players passionate about the game to join the Player Counsel to help us to craft a collective vision of where we want the game to move forward.
This Counsel’s goal is to provide an environment for selected players to have a direct and genuine conversation with the team in order to improve the game for the whole Walking Dead Road to Survival Community.
By joining the Player Counsel, you’ll be able to share your feedback directly with us, via dedicated channels that you will be invited to join when selected.
If you are interested in joining the Player Counsel – Follow this link http://bit.ly/PlayerConselApplication 1.2k 🙂
The only requirements to apply is to be over 18, be an active and avid player and to be willing to help us improve the game and to be the voice for the best Community of all time
If you’re selected, you’ll receive an invitation to join the Player Counsel in the upcoming weeks in your mailbox.
Good luck!