Hello Survivors,
The “Prestige Mission” event encountered two issues within the last week. We originally addressed the issue where Prestige 13 players were unable to make progress towards the mission in this post. Since then, some players on iOS 14 have also experienced purchase error issues, caused by the recent OS update, that have further impacted their ability to make progress on the “Prestige Mission” event. We have since released a new update to iOS users to resolve these purchase errors.
Due to these issues, we will be providing all players the following:
- 30 Bee Hives
- 1 Bear Paw Token
- 10 Bradys
- 1 Energy Choice Box
- Choice of:
- 1 World Energy Refill
- 1 Raid Energy Refill
- 1 War Energy Refill
- 1 Survival Energy Road Refill
- 1 Walker Hordes Energy Refill
- 1 Territory Energy Refill
- Choice of:
- 2 Epic Gear Choice Box A
- Choice of
- 10 Weapon Tripod
- 10 Sports Gauntlet
- 10 Practice Dummy
- 10 Knife Sheath
- Choice of
In addition to this, we will be providing Prestige 13 players with all mission event rewards that they would have earned from the Prestige Mission event based on Prestige Points accumulated during the course of the event along with the following:
- 10 S-Class Choice Boxes
- Choice of:
- 30 Pete Anderson Cards
- 30 Priya Cards
- 30 Laopo Cards
- 30 Raulito Cards
- 30 Hengyen Cards
- 30 Aarav Cards
- 30 Secretary Guo Cards
- 30 Wangfa Cards
- 30 Daiyu Cards
- 30 Princess Cards
- 30 Mercer Cards
- 30 Minerva Cards
- 30 Frost Cards
- 30 Louis Cards
- 30 Davie Cards
- 30 Tiffany Cards
- 30 Clementine Cards
- 30 Shiva Cards
- 30 “The Gentleman” Cards
- 30 Rosita Cards
- Choice of:
- 3 Energy Choice Boxes
- Choice of:
- 1 World Energy Refill
- 1 Raid Energy Refill
- 1 War Energy Refill
- 1 Survival Road Energy Refill
- 1 Walker Hordes Energy Refill
- 1 Territory Energy Refill
- Choice of:
- 4 Legendary Gear Choice Box A
- Choice of:
- 1 Whetstone
- 1 Double Holster
- 1 Hockey Mask
- 1 Magazine Bandolier
- Choice of:
- 6 Epic Gear Choice Box A
- Choice of
- 1 Weapon Tripod
- 1 Sports Gauntlet
- 1 Practice Dummy
- 1 Knife Sheath
- Choice of
- 1 Legendary Gear Choice Box B
- Choice of:
- 1 Canteen
- 1 GPS
- Choice of:
- 2 Epic Gear Choice Box B
- Choice of:
- 1 Hand Crank Radio
- 1 Military Watch
- Choice of:
Please expect to receive the appropriate items within 24 hours. Thank you for your patience during this time.