Hello Survivors,

We’re happy to announce that we’re kicking off the CYBER WEEK EXTRAVAGANZA this weekend with an all-new S-Class: The Wanderer! The Wanderer can be found inside the “The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel” which contains chances at various 5 and 6 Star Fighters. Alongside this wheel, “The Wanderer’s Gambit Mission Event” will guarantee a 5-Star Ascendable version of The Wanderer at 80 opens and the 6-star version at 160 opens! But wait, there’s more! As a Cyber Week added bonus, the mission event will guarantee 2200 COINS BACK at 20 opens and 100 opens! That’s right, you can get up to 4400 COINS BACK by taking part in this event!!! The Wanderer, being the shady guy that he is, extorted us into adding in this mission event to his release!

Event Dates

Start: 11/21/20 12:00PM PST

End: 12/1/20 12:00 PM PST


In addition to The Wanderer making his debut, you’ll be rewarded for the pulls you make towards his character, via The Wanderer’s Gambit Mission Event. Dynamite, a collectible that is part of these rewards, can be used in the Gray Market. Check out the full details below

Wanderer’s Gambit Mission Event

Solo  Mission EventRewards 
Mission 1Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 10 timesx9 Dynamite
Mission 2Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 20 timesx2,200 Hard Currency
Mission 3Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 40 timesx18 Dynamite
Mission 4Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 60 timesx18 Dynamite
Mission 5Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 80 timesx1 5 Star Ascendable
The Wanderer 
Mission 6Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 90 timesx9 Dynamite
Mission 7Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 100 timesx2,200 Hard Currency
Mission 8Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 120 timesx18 Dynamite
Mission 9Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 140 timesx18 Dynamite
Mission 10Open The Wanderer’s Gambit Wheel 160 timesx1 6 Star
The Wanderer

Wanderer’s Gambit Gray Market

Gray MarketRewardReward AmountCostCost AmountLimit
Item 1Gear Marker2,400Dynamite27
Item 2Rare Trainer3Dynamite47
Item 3Uncommon Trainer3Dynamite37
Item 4Armory Token1,000Dynamite47
Item 5Wanderer Card200Dynamite715