Hello Survivors,

On 5/25 at 5:00 PM PDT, the trainer pass went live with a visual bug where players who purchased the pass appeared to be able to obtain 105 Basil Trainers from one of the missions, when the original intent was for this number to be 75 Basil Trainers. This was communicated via our official Discord immediately and the error was subsequently corrected within 24 hours of when it occurred. However, we realize that some players may have missed this communication and not noticed until the fix went live.

As a result, we will be sending out an additional free offer containing 30 Basil Trainers to all players who have already purchased the trainer pass as well as anyone who purchases this instance of the trainer pass for the remainder of the event. If you are eligible, you can expect this free offer to appear in-game within the next 48 hours. Note: Future instances of the trainer pass will not be accompanied by this free offer.

Thank you for your patience.
