Hello Survivors!

We will be holding a Public Beta to test the new Mythic Exclusive War on 1/25/2022 where players will be given the opportunity to test the new War Defense Team for Gold Coins Rewards! Public Beta will open at 10am, war will begin at 4pm and run for 24 hours.

The all-new War Defense Team is being added in this update! There will be a new shield in the team menu where you can assign fighters to these teams. Teams assigned to this new shield will be how you will assign only your Mythic Fighters to your War Defense. No longer will you be depending on your main Defense team, used on Raids, in War! Additionally, this update will require you to assign Mythic Fighters exclusively to Stronghold Defense and Attack Teams in War. 

Keep an eye out for Gold Mythic Fighters, Trainers, Military Supplies and many more resources in the Featured Tab of the Shop so you can quickly Level Up a team to take to Public Beta War! 

PLEASE NOTE: These free gifts and rewards can overflow player inventory into inboxes and possibly be lost! Please only take them as you need them, so as not to deplete and lose all the free supplies. Players with accounts from a previous Public Beta will want to join before War begins (10am – 2pm PST) in order to possibly leave a faction and join or start another to participate in the event.

These new features are available to test in the Public Beta test region over the next few days, so if you’re on Android here’s a quick guide on how to join the Beta Program.

Our Beta Feedback Discord channel will also reopen during this time, so feel free to let us know how you’re getting on!

Please do note that the nature of a Public Beta, for features that are currently in development, may contain bugs that impact your ability to engage with the live game.

Public Beta War Event Times

Start Time 1/25/2022 4pm PST

End Time 1/26/2022 4pm PST

  • Map: Sanctuary 6v6
  • 5 Strongholds
  • First Repair: 15 Seconds
  • Retreat Timer is 5 minutes
  • Mercenaries: 5 max, all available at 5min.
  • Max War Energy: 8

Siege Duration: 30 Minutes

Attack Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Shield Cooldown: 3 Minutes


StrongholdsCombat Effect
1All enemies get 20% Slow when attacking camps and strongholds for 2 turns.
2Strong and Tough Fighters get Guardian Shield when defending camps and strongholds
3All Fast enemies get 1000 Burn when attacking and defending strongholds for 2 turns
4All Tough & Alert enemies get 2000 Exhaust when attacking for 3 turns
5All Fast & Strong enemies get 2000 Exhaust when attacking for 3 turns

Public Beta Gold Coin Missions

Defeat 10 opponents in War30 Coins
Destroy 3 camps in War30 Coins
Capture 3 strongholds in War30 Coins
Complete All Missions30 Coins