Gold Mythic Mirabelle has arrived in an all-new Premier Mythic wheel! Check out her details below:

Special Weapon

Gameplay Overview

  • Mirabelle is an amazing support with pinpoint accurate control who defends teammates and debuffs enemies. The list of her uses goes on and on!
  • Not only does she provide Guardian Shield to allies, but she confuses enemies and lowers enemy Attack and Defense!
  • This combination of her offense and defensive tools makes her a perfect match for any team, regardless of the situation.
  • As an added bonus, her double attack rush pairs perfectly with tough weapons and Rampage, which has the potential to ramp up her damage!

How to obtain Mythic Mirabelle

  • Mythic Mirabelle is part of an all new Premier Mythic limited time wheel! Open for a chance to obtain Gold Mythic Mirabelle. 
    • Gold Mythic Mirabelle is guaranteed as a bonus open reward at both 170 and 340 on her specific wheel from 4/1/21 @ 5:00 PM PDT to 4/15/21 @ 5:00 PM PDT

Note: You will need 2 copies of Gold Mythic Mirabelle to ascend her to Grade 5.