Character Breakdown
Name: Strong
What is S-Class?
- S-Class is a Limited Edition version of the standard character that comes with amplified Base Stats, Rush, Active, and/or Weapon Effect.
Name: Damage
Description: Inflicts a large amount of damage to enemies through percent-based damage, damage over time, and/or other damaging effects.
Base Stats (Max 150)
Health: 4300
Defense: 3440
Attack: 3010
Cost: 76
Effect:.Deal 1000 Bleed damage to one enemy for 2 turns. That enemy and up to 2 others get Taunt and 1000 Trauma for 3 turns.
Active Skill
Initial Cooldown: 200% Infection to 1 enemy for 3 turns.
Effect: Turn 2
*NEW* Specialist Skill
Effect: Whenever this character attacks a character suffering from Bleeding, the damage of that bleeding effect is doubled. Target can be doubled once per turn. If this character performs a critical hit on an enemy, the enemy gets Crosshairs for 3 turns.
Gameplay Walkthrough
Taunt + Bleed + Infection = Trauma!
- A lof of debuffs are added onto the enemy with Daiyu which can make trama hit hard and fast!
- Another character gets infection this week and this time its on her Active.
- This all new specialist skill will really hit home as now bleed gets decap
[6 Star] Team Compositions
Here is an example of Daiyu team to get your creativity flowing:
How to Collect
- Daiyu’s collectibles are Daiyu Cards, available now in S-Class Recruits! 2,000 Daiyu Cards will be required for 5* Ascendable Daiyu.
- 5* Ascendable Daiyu is guaranteed after 100 bonus opens on the wheel!
- 6000 Daiyu Cards and 2 maxed out 6* Daiyus are required for S-Class Daiyu!